
Casalero : We Are Family

Casalero is a heartfelt connection, from us to you. Linda Carrasco-Lottero

Casalero is the story of a calling that flourishes like a lime tree, with roots as deep as foliage woven into the skies. Skies of Savoie and Provence, roots that stretch far, from Liguria to Castile, passing through the Riviera and Tuscany. Casalero is a love story. Not the kind that leads us on a boat to the mournful sound of violins or to romantic clichés. No. Casalero is a love story that races down the hills like a Mustang over asphalt, like a band of children setting out to conquer the lair of a phantom dragon.

Casalero is composed of five unique and exclusive locations, offering exceptional services, nestled in the heart of some of the most legendary places in France and Monaco: La Clusaz, Saint-Tropez, Tourtour, and the Heights of Monte-Carlo.

Casalero was created and imagined by Linda and Fabian as a vow they made to their own lives under a millennia-old and joyful moon, the promise to only submit to their own desires, never following the rules of others.

Casalero would be nothing without Danielle, the casa madre, and Vincent, her partner, a chef as generous as he is inspired. Because hospitality, like love, is an art of attention and improvisation.

Exactly. Casalero was born like mythologies are born, at the crossroads of dreams and passion. From that adolescent love – the first – the one that stays forever. The one where gazes ignite bonfires, tattoo souls with red-hot steel. The one of embraces between beach, palace, and rocks, under a sun disheveled by the scent of shared wind, at the gallop of swept-away souls.

Casalero is for you, who don't live an ordinary life. Fabian Lottero

Casalero is for you who want to experience holidays like no one else. For you who know the price to pay for shaping ambitions and dreams. For you who feel the significance of a sensation, like carving through virgin powder, like the magic of places whose oxygen you recognize, even without having set foot there.

Casalero has the power to illuminate the eternal moments of your life and awaken the smoldering embers of your audacity.